Just found these amazing props in the following stores below:
Lick’s Antique Mall
749 Broadway
Tacoma, WA
and found this very cool set of luggage at:
Nanette’s Classic Clothing Re-Found
762 Broadway
Tacoma, WA
both owners were exceptionally nice and completely and totally helpful and super thoughtful!
Nanette’s store focuses on high end recycled clothing: brands I saw in there include: Farragamo/Franco Sarto/Coach/Fendi–all amazing/presented in a aesthetic and high quality way, while Lick’s focuses on cool dishes/old fashioned camera’s/amazing furniture, as well as a assortment of other amazing pieces.
If you have a Saturday and need something to do: walk those shops and visit Nanette & Linda and show them special love!!
This find came from a different shop on Antique Row—I can just picture a sweet baby wrapped in a blanket surround by eggs??! Im gonna try it Monday.
& This find is from good ole Craiglist (special love goes to my friend Steph for finding it for me)