
Isaiah; my life-mate

If I had all the time in the world to talk about what an incredible blessing and life changer this man has been for me, there still wouldn’t be enough time.  Isaiah (in the natural world) is my hero.  He is the most genuine, easy-going, humorous, patient, caring, loving, HANDSOME man in my world. 
I fell in love with Isaiah after two weeks of cyber-meeting him on Myspace.  He was so hilarious and had mad game and his likeness to Kanye West, who at the time was my favorite artist, didnt hurt either.  I remember staying up all night to talk to him, refreshing my screen over and over again throughout the day to see if I had a message from him and sitting and reading over and over the many letters, faxes and cards we exchange while we waiting excitedly to meet one another.
Having Isaiah as my life-mate lets me know that I am loved and adored by a caring God.  I know I must be highly-favored for him to choose someone so special just for me.  I have never been complimented more by a person then Isaiah and I don’t mean complimented in the traditional sense.  He is my strength in weakness, he is my total opposite, but with him I am completely whole and so strong.
I love him with all of my heart and even more on film!