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Doug Gordon Workshops!


Earlier this spring, i saw a post on facebook that one of my favorite photographers would be interviewing Doug Gordon for PDN (Photo District News).  It was right after Escalate Live and Isaiah and I had spent some time during the days livestreaming some of the greatest photographers: learning an soaking up their advice.  We decided to keep the learning going and Isaiah was able to not only listen to but take great notes from PDN. 

Doug Gordon is an amazing portrait & wedding photographer who is trained by some of the greatest photographers in the game; but what he is most known for is a technique called “Flow Posing.”  Asuka Books and Bay Photos recently (this week) sponsored “a day with Doug” here in Seattle, learning his techniques.  Isaiah was so excited that as a surprise I bought tickets for us to go; only later to find out the next day that he couldnt get the day off from work……………. so I extending the offer to my college brother down in Portland, Mike Keo of Dragonleaf Photography & he, myself and my friend Cheryl of Studio57Images, headed up to the Hilton and learned learned learned.

Doug Gordon is HILARIOUS! I had such a great time learning from him, his techniques and being encouraged as a aspiring photographer.  For those who really are aspiring I encourage you to learn learn learn from any and everyone, ask questions, sign up for workshops & invest.  There is nothing like it.  There were 60 photographers & Doug made us feel like we were the only ones in the room!  It was an incredible experience for me.  HERE ARE A FEW of the images captured that day by me: when I wasn’t elbowing to get a good position.

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For more information about Doug Gordon visit: http://www.douggordonworkshops.com/