The world is so small and I am thankful because it makes it THAT much easier to connect with amazing people. Two amazing people below just happen to love the Lord, be photographers and serve both our country and community and be really great amazing new friends.
Taleshia, an amazing photographer in her own right and her pretty incredible husband, who serves not only his family, but also our county, became quick and fast friends because of a relationship that we have in common. That friend was pregnant with her second child, when Taleshia was forced to friend me on FB to add me to the invitation. As our news feed interactions grew, we realized we had much more in common then our friend Amy and totally embraced it. Over time, our late night photography chats turned into chats about other things which led us to joining T at her birthday earlier this year. Meeting in person was so natural because our original instincts were correct– she’s good people and so are we so we just clicked.
When Taleshia asked me to help end their special weekend at Salish Lodge with a photo shoot I was both excited and nervous: excited because she’s so obviously gorgeous and nervous because shooting photographers do that to me.
In Isaiah’s absence, I invited a new friend Brad along to assist. Pretty much his biggest assistance move was holding umbrellas up so that we didn’t drown in the torrential downpour—because it was a WET day. Loren and Taleshia were such amazing sports and totally did their thing even in the rain. You can check out a few shots from our very wet day below:
to check out some of Taleshia’s work visit: www.tl-photography.net and to visit Brad’s work visit: www.facebook.com/brad-cole-photography
One thing I also LOVE: the raindrops in this first picture…… sooo cool! Side note: these two have been together well over 10 years + have four children and are as just in love as ever. Total inspiration for keeping the relationship poppin and alive!
the above picture was taken by Brad during our shoot and I loved it and Brad doing his thing below:
the next two picture were also taken by Brad and I thought they were really fun…..