
Taryn: a Emerald Ridge High School Senior


If after going thru these images it looks like the four seasons in them, its because literally the day of Taryn’s session it was and I am not talking hotel here.  One thing about Washington state is it makes you a strong shooter- who has to learn to adjust and think on your toes fast.  The day we did Taryn’s senior pictures it was overcast, rained, windy and then sunny all in a matter of two hours.  She got drenched, wind-blown and then had to squint to protect her eyes??!  The craziest session ever.
I loved shooting Taryn.  Generally when high school girls come to Ike and I for a session- they and their parents are hauling their entire closet in.  We spend about 30 minutes mixing and matching outfits and accessories to rock it out on location.  Taryn came with her bag which included two scarves, her baseball uniform and a black and white t-shirt.  She brought me back to the basics.  Taryn is a pretty girl and doesn’t need much- but all of my girls are pretty and don’t need much.  Taryn reminded me that its not about the clothes or the poses that sometimes make these girls look like they are apart of cirque du soleil or trying to out beat yourself from the last time you shot, its about taking a awesome senior picture, one that makes your senior proud to post it as their FB profile (which Taryn already has: TEAM HAYNES!), one that makes parents see their babies in a entirely different way baby grown up and beautiful bringing tears to their eyes and taking a pictures that isnt going to look like it was taking in 2011 with crazy color and textures.

Shooting Taryn was so refreshing.  She is a quiet spirit with an incredible smile.  She cares about people and is well respected by her friends.  She also is a pretty amazing pitcher for her high school fast pitch team.  Her mom laughed at all my jokes which in turn makes Taryn even more of a winner.

This fall Taryn is headed to Boise State to study Communications and I look so forward to following her journey.