Meet the Hunich’s.
One of our favorite families. We have known the Hunich’s since the beginning of our business.
They have seen us through many ebbs and flows of this dream. And we have seen them through so many of their own.
We love this sweet family — but more than that, I love this sweet family. Since we have known them, we have had the honor of capturing them.
When we had no idea what we were doing, they would suit up and let us photograph them. When we wanted to test out new light or techniques, they always made themselves available….
and as I am, Tash, finding myself again, as a photographer…. what makes me happy, what makes me excited, what makes me shoot, they are here, yet again, always ready.

Danielle and Joe are fighters in every sense of the word. They value their family, and fight for it. They fight for the things that are important to them, freedom to live their life on their terms, to create, to make an impact on the world. To raise their children to explore and appreciate the things about life that are often times over looked, the earth and how incredible it is, quality time, connection and it pours out in the way they spend their time, the way they manage their resources, the way they speak to and care for one another.

The last time we photographed the Hunich’s was shortly after their youngest son, Kai, who is now six, was born. That picture above, was the one we took. It felt so good reflecting on that and seeing how far we both have come over the last six years. Time truly flies once kids are involved.

My soul has been yearning for more in my work. I feel like Ike found it so long ago and has been thriving as an artist and, in many ways, has left me behind. Some days I feel too bogged down with minute details of life, of business, of community to even stop long enough to remember and to realize why I fell in love with photography in the first place.
Last week at PUSH Conference, my friend Devon said – ” What you do matters.” “You are giving people their memories.” That hit me like a baseball bat slamming a home run. Taking pictures isn’t going through the motions. It’s taking the time to hear people’s stories. It’s taking the time to connect with what is important to someone and then bringing all of that to life, in a way that resonates and connects with them. I have no idea when I stopped seeing it that way, or when I stopped trying to seek after that, but one day, I did — and it’s never been quite right sense.

I don’t imagine that every session will be just like this, but I definitely feel a shift. I have been feeling a shift for some time now. OF MORE. More life. More intention. More connection. More joy. More moments — that tell stories, of a life that we have come to love and enjoy and can’t get enough of.

So…. this is me. I think. I hope. and I hope that you will want more of it, as I transition. As we transition and kind find out what the next season of Ike and Tash is going to look like.

Danielle, Joe, Aiden and Kai – thank you for an amazing two hours in your home. Thank you for updating me on your life. Thank you for getting excited with me and for allowing me the opportunity to use you to stretch myself and pour what is happening on the inside, out.

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off of our souls. – Pablo Picasso

Congrats on a beautiful new home. I pray so many more hours of laughter and memories made that pour out of your heart until the next time we are all together!
