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Shooting families can be tough. They can be so difficult to pose, especially if they are larger, but small doesn’t always mean easy, which is why we came up with a few quick and easy tips for posing families.

posing families

Meet the Hunich’s.  One of our favorite families.   We have known the Hunich’s since the beginning of our business.    They have seen us through many ebbs and flows of this dream.  And we have seen them through so many of their own.   We love this sweet family — but more than that, […]

The internet is so special.  The world is so big, yet it makes it so small and you can easily connect with and fan girl people who share your same interest and become “friends” in virtually no time. I became aware of Megan a little over a year ago, when Instagram stalking led me from […]

I had the joy of recently, well, if January is recently, snapping some tender moments of my cousin Jessica with her sweet son Micah in Tacoma’s well known centrally located Wright Park.  Normally, I would want my turn around time to be much quicker THEN this, but thankfully she’s my family and extended grace, and […]

So looking forward to shooting Branden and Candy’s wedding later on in the summer!  We had an awesome time a few weeks ago running around Chambers Bay getting a feel for what it might be like on the wedding day!  The day was incredibly warm and the sun had changed so it was at its […]

Loved being able to shoot Tim, Nicole and their sweet family portraits again this year!  Last year when we shot together-Isaiah and I were just starting out so its so cool to see the difference.  I love getting “our” families back out with us for annual sessions- makes me feel so legit when folks come […]

While mom got some makeup done for her headshots, we played… naturally.   Which really means, she ran in circles in our empty room AKA studio space… and I sat against a wall and watched– so so fun!  She cried when she left!  I take that as a sign that 1.) I’m still cool & […]

We are now offering hair + MU + and styling services at a very affordable rate with almost all of our shoots!  If you are interested in customizing your upcoming shoot with hair||makeup or personal styling, feel free to let us know directly and we will set it up.  We are working with some of […]

This was such  a special shoot + a special day because we were celebrating many things, but among them Davida’s birthday.  Davida is a person of such strength and character and although I only spent a short time with her and her two very sweet kids–I was especially impressed with her patience and kind heart. […]

Meet the Welborne’s.  A beautiful family, that we don’t know well now, but that we look forward to getting to know better!  The Welborne’s have become our friends because we share a pretty amazing mutal friend + because they attend the same small group at our church as we do.  They are such a SPECTACULAR […]

What happens when the thing you never thought would happen does? What happens when you unexpectedly get sick? What happens when someone you love falls ill or even worse dies? What happens when a natural disaster hits and destroys everything you've worked so hard to build? What happens when you become ill or paralyzed and are unable to run your business? What happens when you find yourself in a global pandemic and you're unable to work for months at a time? What are you going to do?

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When we first started shooting, we couldn't afford many of the opportunities and workshops that were available for newbie photographers to learn and grow, so we really utilized the free communities online and locally to building relationships and to learn the trade. It was those years that shaped who we are as people in this industry and have helped us to value the journey.

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