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If I haven’t learned the lesson time and time again…. one thing that I am realizing more than ever is that I am, we are not in control of anything.  That life happens the way it should and all we can do is decide how we are going to respond to it.  This pregnancy is […]

Ok ok ok I know that many of you have been waiting to figure out what this HUGE, epic, massive announcement is and honestly…. I couldn’t be more excited about any ONE thing more than what I am about to share.  I know that many of you are impatient and will skip this very long-winded […]

2011 has been a CRAZY year full of really fun and exciting things.  As I worked on this post I was amazed by all the things Isaiah and I had accomplished.  You forget all of the things you can jam into 12 months until you take a few minutes to reflect.  Today as I was […]

our SINCEREST apologies: I should probably start this post out with an apology and a thank you.  First, the apology.  I am embarrassed by how long it has taken me to visit this “place” to put up a post. The last six months for LHP would be enough for anyone to re-think if the “creative-self-employed-entrepreneur” […]

The Misfit Tour stopped in Seattle early last week and it was incredible for a multitude of reasons. 1.) The message and movement was absolutely incredible.  The Misfit Tour.  Being a Misfit for God.  Being so uncomfortable in this world that you can’t even find a place.  That your uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable with the status quo. […]

I am embarrassed that its taken me three weeks to get a Mobile Monday post up.  But the reality is that its been a crazy three weeks.  This is our first official wedding season with a full time photographer and season senior is heating up, all things we prayed and hoped for BUT never anticipated […]

It’s been four years.  Four adventurous, challenging, happy and fun years. We met 6 years ago when on a site called Myspace.  You might remember it, the blanking orange people icons, and customizable profiles, complete with music to entertain as the public stalked you? I was new. I wasn’t too keen, but having just moved […]

I have been blessed to be a part of so many amazing photography communities as we have grown over the last two years, but one in particular that is closest to my heart is called Pursuit 31.  Pursuit 31 is a photography group based around the Proverbs 31 woman in the bible + the desires […]

Its August!! One of my favorite months of the year.  Traditionally it signifies kinda the end of summer, if you actually get one of those- I live in the NW and we barely do.  Why would I be excited about the end of summer, you ask??!  Duh because it FALL! I love fall. I love […]

Its Mobile Monday… and its seems I write one blog post + I am right here working thru writing ANOTHER one….  on a Monday night, as late as possible.  Pretty much…. I am a mess!!! this week brought tons of excitement, including a senior session w/a light blue slug bug- that broke my nail. Lame. […]

I had the joy of recently, well, if January is recently, snapping some tender moments of my cousin Jessica with her sweet son Micah in Tacoma’s well known centrally located Wright Park.  Normally, I would want my turn around time to be much quicker THEN this, but thankfully she’s my family and extended grace, and […]

Its a total 2-4-1 today because I am two weeks behind.  Last week I was just way too tired.  Do you ever get like that?  Where your so tired you just can’t keep going?!  That was me.  Exhausted. Done. Finished. Not going down- so Monday came and passed without a care in the world from […]

What happens when the thing you never thought would happen does? What happens when you unexpectedly get sick? What happens when someone you love falls ill or even worse dies? What happens when a natural disaster hits and destroys everything you've worked so hard to build? What happens when you become ill or paralyzed and are unable to run your business? What happens when you find yourself in a global pandemic and you're unable to work for months at a time? What are you going to do?

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When we first started shooting, we couldn't afford many of the opportunities and workshops that were available for newbie photographers to learn and grow, so we really utilized the free communities online and locally to building relationships and to learn the trade. It was those years that shaped who we are as people in this industry and have helped us to value the journey.

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