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Isaiah and I are thrilled to introduce you to our 2012 LHP Senior Street Team!!!!  Like many local photographers, we LOVE our high school seniors and wanted to create a rep program that was unique that benefitted us, but also was useful to our high school seniors. We put out a call to every person […]

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Annie and Aaron are such a special couple, their love, one, that is passionate for eachother, but also passionate for others.  I have been thinking for days what I could say about these two that would even begin to put into words who they are and what they mean to so many, especially me and […]

Happy 4th of July!!! It’s Mobile Monday and its been a great week- well last week + I anticipate that this week will be incredible too! Last Sunday, the 26th we did our HUGE senior shoot- I have yet to blog and tell you the when’s, what’s and why’s: the purpose behind that shoot- but […]

Summer is here and its already SO exciting! Lots of visits to our house from friends and celebrating lots of launches and NEW things on the horizon.  We are so excited about wedding season and are in full force, gearing up to shoot 5 weddings in the next 6 weeks.  Its been so fun having […]

Its Mobile Monday, but on Wednesday- because that’s how WE roll!  Honestly, its not how we roll and I’m kinda embarrassed- but Im human and we are BUSY so something has to drop and sadly, its this precious Mobile Monday… but my goal: to get it up at all cost, even if its not a […]

Absolutely honored to call these guys our friends and brothers.  Got to shoot their new promo stuff last Sunday and it was amazing.  Tonight- they were on America’s Got Talent.  We are so proud…  peep the video to see if they are going to Vegas or not!! XO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKv8pDbdtkw&feature=player_embedded#at=181

Its Mobile Monday….. and whats fun is that LIFE IS CRAZY!!  BUT last week I got to pause for a bit to  get excited about a box from Black River Imaging featuring their NEW NEW NEW specialty shaped Metal Prints!!  Whaaaa?!  If you know me you know I love four things, God, My husband, Ginger […]

In any sport you must practice. In any gifting you must practice.  If your a dancer, or a singer, or a athlete- you play and rehearse and practice so that you can get better- well for my gifting, I don’t think its any different.  There is so much to learn in photography and so many […]

Its getting to that time of year where I start to feel like I can’t keep up.  Anyone else know what I’m talking about?  There is so much brewing, so much of the vision coming to pass- so much that I want to do, I can’t even find the time to update my google calendar. […]

What a joy to be a part of the lives of our clients.  Today we got the opportunity to watch some of our LHP seniors graduate from Christian Faith Schools and this evening we got to help send off one our seniors to prom!  There is nothing like having a “client” get excited to see […]

I feel like such a failure, because NORMALLY I am so horrible at keeping up with weekly posts, daily updates, like this and I was doing so well- almost two months work of Mobile Monday’s posted on Monday, but this week- the post just got away from me.  With such a crazy busy week last […]

What happens when the thing you never thought would happen does? What happens when you unexpectedly get sick? What happens when someone you love falls ill or even worse dies? What happens when a natural disaster hits and destroys everything you've worked so hard to build? What happens when you become ill or paralyzed and are unable to run your business? What happens when you find yourself in a global pandemic and you're unable to work for months at a time? What are you going to do?

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When we first started shooting, we couldn't afford many of the opportunities and workshops that were available for newbie photographers to learn and grow, so we really utilized the free communities online and locally to building relationships and to learn the trade. It was those years that shaped who we are as people in this industry and have helped us to value the journey.

for photographers