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While mom got some makeup done for her headshots, we played… naturally.   Which really means, she ran in circles in our empty room AKA studio space… and I sat against a wall and watched– so so fun!  She cried when she left!  I take that as a sign that 1.) I’m still cool & […]

I loveeee a good cupcake. Although not a huge cake fan, unless its out of a box is flavored yellow and has the brand name Betty Crocker, I will usually pass- but there is something about a cupcake.  I dont know if its because they are small and you dont have to share, being a […]

Its Mobile Monday again….  and I’m gonna try a few little something differents…..  you may notice, you may not…. we shall see!  Its been such an amazing winter for us & what excites me most about this particular Monday is that I finally feel like spring is here!! The apple/cherry blossoms are blooming and things […]

Its Mobile Monday again….  and I love Mondays.  This gives me a reason to be thinking about what I want to share with you from week to week about our life and crazy amazing things that go on in it.  This Monday was tough for me because last week was so full. I could have […]

It’s Mobile Monday again………. and surprisingly I am keeping this up pretty well.   There’s a new project that Isaiah and I are working on + if you follow us on twitter/facebook or any other means of networking I am sure you have heard us tweet/FB/gchat or talk about Do The Extraordinary (www.dotheextraordinary.com).  Do The […]

This blog is kinda unique because it covers three different things: my dear friend Stacy, photographer and owner of Three Winks Studio based out of Salt Lake City, Utah, the wedding of Ben + Kaylie married in early January 2011 + how cool being a second shooter REALLY is.   So first lets start with […]

Its Mobile Monday!!!  What’s that you ask????  Its the one day a week where every picture on this blog will be from my trusty iPhone!  I thought this was a great idea and when I visited  my friend Susan Choi’s blog www.sphotographylife.com}, another fantastic photographer based out of the Seattle area,  and saw that she […]

WPPI was a amazing experience + I would encourage every photographer to experience it AT LEAST once. I heard rumors about what to expect, that it would be clique-y, that I would likely hate it… but I am so thankful I went there with a attitude to learn and to experience without preconcieved notions, because […]

The last year has been incredible for me.  It has been a year where I have pressed in and believed God’s word over and over about my life, a year where I have gone after all of the things that I know I can have in Jesus Name, a year where God has opened up […]

As we prepare to close out the year, make promises to ourselves about how things are going to be better next year; how we are gonna dream bigger + lose weight and live just a little more than we did the year before–I was left thinking about all of the things that have happened the […]

Before I prepare my house for soldiers (one very special one being Isaiah’s cousin stationed here in WA for the next 3 years) let me say thank you!  This morning as I woke up and looked at our tree, and stretched and thought about all that God has gifted me with over the last year, […]

Seriously, my cup is full.  Isaiah and I had the opportunity to attend WPPI Road trip a month or so back and got to see what it was like to hang with people who love photography nearly as much or more than us. People who spoke our language in letters and numbers, who drooled over […]

What happens when the thing you never thought would happen does? What happens when you unexpectedly get sick? What happens when someone you love falls ill or even worse dies? What happens when a natural disaster hits and destroys everything you've worked so hard to build? What happens when you become ill or paralyzed and are unable to run your business? What happens when you find yourself in a global pandemic and you're unable to work for months at a time? What are you going to do?

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When we first started shooting, we couldn't afford many of the opportunities and workshops that were available for newbie photographers to learn and grow, so we really utilized the free communities online and locally to building relationships and to learn the trade. It was those years that shaped who we are as people in this industry and have helped us to value the journey.

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